Amity has been breeding and showing toy poodles since 1974. Although we do occasionally have black or cream most of our babies are brown, cafe, blue, silver, and silver beige. Companion puppies are available on a spay/neuter contract with a Lifetime health and temperament guarantee. All parents are tested and must pass - most are Champions. All toy babies must be 2# before leaving or a minimum of 10 weeks so that each has had 2 shots, well baby exam, several fecal checks, and are micro-chipped. Each leaves us with their own crate. Our "kids" are home raised. Shipping is available.

Camille is now retired & is a diabetic therapy dog.

Soon to retire, Louise is a Top Producer having an all champion litter bred to Donney [see below], and Dale & Danica. Louise bred to Stewart has produced their soon to be dual champion, Allison, [see below with Stewart].

We proudly offer:
Silver male DOB 2-21-20 sired by Envy, dam is Zandra, will likely be small.
Due 4-8-20 more silver babies sired by Envy, dam is Mags.
Please contact us for adult Champions looking for homes as several breeder friends have both toys and minis available.

Boo was temporarily retired while I had too many irons in the fire. Greg Larson keep telling me that he wanted to finish Boo in the US as he already had his Int & Can championships so I grew him back out & Greg did it quickly. Greg is pictured (right) finishing my little Boo Man who is producing lovely in size companions & show puppies in brown, café’, silver beige, black, blue, & silver. THANK YOU GREG!

Boo’s # 1 son AmCan Ch Amity's DonneyBrooke is is now a top producer. His first litter of Three was an all dual champion litter out of Top Producer, CanCh Amity's Geez Louise. Donny has produced Cinna [below] & CanCh Ash's-Mystical Pretty Boy At Amity. Can Ch Ash’s Mystical Mentor Of Tributes To Amity needing 4 singles for her Am title.

We are so proud of Boo’s latest AmCanCh Amity’s Brown And Serve. Zandra is a repeat of DonneyBrooke. Shown in the US by Dawn Strumbel and in Canada by co-owner Jeff Urbaniak.

AmCan Ch Amity’s It’s A Girl shown by co-owner/breeder Jeffery Urbaniak, shown By Dawn Strumbel. Her Dam is Brooke.

CanCh Amity’s The Stylist, sired by Boo, is major pointed in the US with a pale silver color & a sweet mellow temperament. Completed his Canadian championship with 5 BOB’s owner handled.

AmCanCh Amity’s Ms Texaco

CanCh Amity’s Ms Sara Lee needs 5 singles for US title & is sharing the ring now with her baby brother Amity’s Believe It.

At stud at Amity till next Feb.

The Three True Varieties of Poodles

There are three varieties of Poodles: Toy, Miniature and Standard. Terms such as "Royal Standard." "Tea Cup Toy," or "Tiny Toy Poodle" are marketing gimmicks, used to promote the sale of animals that are dramatically over or under the norm in size.
At Amity, we breed Toy Poodles: the Toy is the smallest variety and should be no larger than 10" high at the shoulder. This size is particularly well-suited to apartment life or as a traveling companion for retired people.
Amity also breeds Miniature Poodles: the Miniature is a medium- sized animal standing between 10" and 15" high at the shoulder. This variety is a sturdy compromise between the Toy and the Standard, suitable for both apartment life or the hardy lifestyle of a family with children.
I have many friends that breed Standard Poodles: the Standard is the largest of the three varieties, with no upper height limit. Standards typically mature to a height of 21" to 27" at the shoulder, and females are usually a little smaller than males. being a larger, more substantial animal, the Standard usually needs more room for exercise than the other two varieties.
Show/Breeding Quality Puppy Versus Pet/Companion Quality Puppy
A show quality puppy is one which, in the breeder's opinion, should be able to become a champion. A pet quality puppy is less likely, in the breeder's estimation, to succeed in the show ring. However, making such a prediction at 8 1/2 weeks to 4 months of age involves a lot of breed knowledge and some guesswork.
A "pet/companion quality" puppy is one that has a disqualifying or major "fault" under AKC rules and/or the standard for the breed, such as being smaller or larger than the limits for its variety (Toy or Miniature). However, if a "pet/companion quality? Poodle puppy meets the standard of the breed for temperament, such a "fault" in no way affect's the puppy's ability to be a wonderful companion or its eligibility to enter AKC Companion Events, such as Agility or Obedience Trials.
These are photos of Amity's sires of our puppies. The dams are also Champions and all have had genetic testing. Photos of dams & puppies can be emailed to you. Please send requests to amityvk@callta.com.

Doesn't bark at all
Always the "Star"
8-1994 to 11-2006
Amity's Toys
follow his footsteps

Finished with 3 majors
in US and 3 group
placements in Canada

Born Blue.
Doesn't bark, just makes noises,
great personality.
Silver Beige

Our toy and miniature poodle puppies are home raised out of Champion parents with
all genetic testing done. Puppies shown by appointment only. Please
phone for our booklet. 218.525.1289

Amity's has toy and miniature poodle puppies of different colors.