Do bring your shot records: Rabies, Distemper-combo and Bordatella for dogs and
Rabies, feline distemper for cats.
Do bring something with the smell from the home: Blanket, bone toy, etc.
Do call with any last minute questions before you come to minimize check-in
Don't create a traumatic experience for your dog by bringing the family. Generally one
person reduces the excitement level.
Don't say goodbye to your dog. Most dogs know that means they may not see you
Every dog is walked back and forth to its run at least 3 times a day.
Cats are individually exercised for one hour per day in a separate building,
Dogs are fed twice daily and cats once daily, unless otherwise requested. We
provide food unless your pet is on a prescription diet.
Dogs left more than 4 days are brushed and given extra playtime.
For your convenience, we offer "Free Days". If you bring in your pet
to the kennel between 8p.m. and 9p.m. you will not be charged for that day.
Please exercise you pet before coming as we will be putting your pet to bed. If
you pick up your pet before 9a.m., you will not be charged for that day. After
9a.m., you will be charged for the day. Keep in mind, we are open at 8a.m.,
seven days a week. Click here to see our business hours.
Please ask about our special services: pick-up and delivery, medications,
insulin shots, teeth brushing, trips to your veterinarian, convalescent care and
Do fax your records to us ahead of time. Doing so can save last minute delays. (call to be sure we received them)
Fax: 218-525-4671 anytime.